We fly sprint, middle distance, long distance, young pigeons and late tour races. We have olso participated in the cake flights and overnight flights.

Sije Ronner has flown pigeons alone and in combination with his son Jesse Ronner.

We follow the live arrivals on blauwband.


S&J Ronner

 We are Sije and Jesse Ronner from Ferwerd and we have racing pigeons. We play in the Friesland 96 department in the team B, North, District 1 and flying area 2. We basket pigeons at the pigeon club PV Noordervlucht Blija and we are olso member of the waadkant and CCG the Middelsee.

For results you can visit the following sites:



The old breed are the pigeons of Jacques Tournier from Lommel bred by J.F. Ronner, S.S. Ronner and J.W. Ronner crossed with pigeons from G. Christiaens from Humbeek bred by A. Veendorp.

We cross these pigeons with various pigeons from top fanciers from Friesland, the Netherlands, Belgium and Germany.
We olso fly with other pigeons from other origins.



S.Ronner en G. van den Berg


3/1581 Duffel 265km 2024

5 minutes wasted. I think it's 3rd in department 11.

Half-brother 1st pigeon. long distance district 1 2023 and grandson olympic Lisa 1st national ace pigeon middle distance NPO 2018 at Gerard van den Berg from IJsselmuiden.




1/3535 provincial Fontenay 327km 2023 and father 1/183 duiven 153km 24-8030867.


Son of 17-3001025 1st provincial pigeon champion short middle distance WVL old and yearlings 2019.

 He is a brother of the 20-3067420 1st provincial pigeon champion all-round old and yearlings WVL 2023

23-608 his grandmother is a half-sister of the black pigeon champion who became 1st provincial pigeon champion WVL old birds and yearlings shorter middle distance 2016. And now owned by S&J Ronner.




F. Hoekstra

Daughter of his breeder and half-sister of his 1st Olympiad pigeon Netherlands sprint 2024. Foeke Hoekstra from Ternaard.


Blue white flight breeder Jesse Ronner

The 13-1605015 These pigeons fly early prizes from 1975 to 2024. Suitable for sprint, middle distance and long distance.

The father of the 13-1605015 is the 05-1881007 and comes from co-breeding between Sije Ronner and S.S. Ronner.

The base breeding couple 20/21 couple 74-5030878 and 74-5030876. From that couple children and grandchildren flew 140 1st prizes. The pigeons of A. Veendorp are of the type of G. Christaens from Humbeek Belgium obtained from B. Hiddinga.

The mother of the 13-1605015 is the 08-1991782. This pigeon was specially bred for breeding.

08-1991782 is granddaughter 97-2187483 who flew 6/77 Lorris and is daughter of the 95-435 and is granddaughter of the grote blauwe from J.F. Ronner from Dokkum.

The 13-1605015 blue pied. In 2015 this cock went to the breeding loft and from 2015 to 2024 good prize flyers or prize breeders were bred from it every year.

1/872 Quievrain 357km 2015 and father of the 1st pigeon champion middle distance samenspel B 2022 9th provincial 1/370 Châlons-en-Champagne 499km.

Olso father 22-951 1/57 2/493 Lorris 651km 51 members 1170 m/s 3 nights basket. 5/116 Issoudun 761km middelsee CC.

13-015 half brother (same mother) 2/119 5/695 Auby Lez Douai  Auby 375km at S. Talsma.

13-015 half brother 11-1131965 (same father) flown with for 7 years 14/238 sens 599km 976 m/s, 11/96 381km 2017 11-965 grv. 24-909 1/179 9/1160 187km Boxmeer young 2024 and 1/93 9/1842 Quievrain 357km. Olso grv. 23-079 7/9x prize young 2023 after 7 times with a big difference in points at the top of the club.

13-015 half sister also flew an early prize (same pairing as 11-965.

13-015 is a grandson of the 95-1027435

1/1650 12/20257 Zutphen
13/9280 Orleans 664km
12/7140 Orleans
1/1433 24/26495 St. Ghislain 350km
36/9280 Strombeek
1/96 Troyes 574km

95-435 is grandfather 1st provincial in Doetinchem.
95-1027435 is grandson of 93-2817963

13-015 grandson of the 96-1369878
2001 speed champion club, ccg, acg.
2/3226 St. Ghislain
5/3785 Chimay
5/3443 Chimay
2/1079 Lommel
4/1035 St. Ghislain
3,2,1 ace pigeon club 58x prize
Brother of the '878 is '461
1/1947 Arnhem
1/1463 Chimay
1/1008 Houdeng
6/5143 Lommel
3/1944 Maaseik

Sister of the '878 is grm. teletekst Bourges in Doetinchem.

96-1369878 pigeons and family of this pigeon have flown 1st prizes in Den Helder at van Kesteren.

Sister 94-2157600
1st duffel and mother 95-1027435

96-878 is a son of the 89-2156022 100% Jacques Tournier bred by J.F. Ronner and is father of
461 600 599 885 470 972 153 943 956 971 942 460 737 970 956

6 pigeons that together have become 13x 1st and 5x ace pigeon.

99-1519970 flew early prizes and is father of 12-308 and flew at S. Talsma 2/119 Auby 375km

89-2156022 his father is brother of 1st of department 11 1975-21. His mother is a sister of the '142 3x1st 1st Creil N.O.
89-2156022 his father 81-2263933 is the father of 10x1st prize winners, including 93-1698550 63/16151 Chimay 1/137 Zutphen. 81-933 comes from the 20/21 couple 74-5030878 74-5030876. Children and grandchildren of that couple flew 140 first prizes


Long distance racing cock breeder Sije Ronner

21-1464264 dark check 3 year old cock. 

2/268 Gray 657km 8/244 Chimay 381km 8/114 Sourdun 562km 15/313 Boxmeer 187km
1st pigeon champion long distance ensemble B and district 1 2023
11th provincial 5x prize. The pigeon flew all sprint, middle distance and long distance flights in 2023.
5/6x young prize 2021
9x prize 2022
9x prize 2023
Half-brother of the 23-9545095
3/1581 Duffel 265km 2024
5 minutes wasted. I think it's 3rd in department 11.
Niece 22-8688259 flew 1/563 7/2964 Boxmeer 187km 2023 1549.55 m/s

Nephew 24-8030854 flew 1st club training 2024 young pigeons Eefde 135km and 1/3249 district 1 (also in the club, ccg de middelsee and association b) Luyksgestel 232km 126 participants.  1/319 26/3498 duiven 153km natour (olso against old pigeons.)

The mother of the 21-264 is the 21-764 who is half-sister of the 19-769 1/135 8/752 Sittard 261km (same father.)

And half-sister 20-806 1/139 407km 1st pigeon champion waadkant middle distance 2021 20th provincial (also same father.)
And half-sister 20-801 (olso same pairing) who is grv. 1st at A. Mast from Leeuwarden.

21-264 is daughter of the favorite 13-1604596
14/131 Vervin 411km
14/138 Quievr 357km
14/105 Tonger 285km

13-596 is mother of the 18-1410600 dark chequer and he was 2nd pigeon champion long distance in the club pv noordervlucht. 3/80 11/321 Fay 658km 16/240 Chimay 381km 4/93 33/691 Troyes 575km

13-596 is mother of the 20-1039828 and she became 2nd best young pigeon in the club 15/150 Sittard 258km 10/135 Burdinne 312km 11/114 Sourdun 562km. 20-828 is mdr. 22-932 47/347 Brienne 547km at A. Mast from Leeuwarden 22-932 and father 23-9555852 1/169 16/2348 334km 3 nights basket (first flight above 1 night basket)

13-596 is mother 22-945 4/5x price long distance 2024 5/122 Chalons 499km 66/1469 Langres 611km.

13-596 mother 20-'819 4/244 381km 5/314 185km 20-820 vdr. 21-269 7/1173 Dizy 433km
13-596 mdr. 16-'852
4/105 Morlincourt 463km
8/202 Weert 233km
10/124 Sittard 258km
13/100 Weert 233km
19/86 Vuren 174km
25/192 Heusde 258km
26/392 Weert 233km
19/182 Heusden Zolder 258km
15/146 Quievrain 357km
Flew with for 5 years and father 21-276 14/1204 Dizy le Gros 433km 4/96 Gray 657km 6/120 346km 7/159 407km 10/127 407km 13/178 387km Etroeungt 12/190 233km Weert 18/244 Chimay 381km 11/251 153km Duiven 15/185 Zutphen 135km 27/314 Gray 657km. Nestmate 21-276 flew 9/120 Marche 346km

16-852 is son of big scratch of Sjoerd Ronner who is nephew of 1st in the department middle distance Friesland 96 in Dokkum at S.S. Ronner and daughter.
The pigeons of S.S. Ronner were sold at the time with a total sale at Herbots Belgium.

nestmate 16-852 is the 16-853 3/83 24/1261 602km 2016-2022 flown with. Brother 600 became 2nd pigeon champion long distance in the club in Blija.

13-596 is a granddaughter of one of the best racing pigeons of J.H. Kramer and son from Emmercompascuum and that pigeon flew 3x1st in department 10.

13-596 is daughter 10-105521 Black Snowball who is son of the 02-760 1st prize flyer and brother of several first prize flyers. 02-760 son Snowball 96-799 1st prize flyer and brother of several first prize flyers and son of the 93-963 (3x1st.)

13-596 is sister of 13-995 9/202 233km and has flown for at least 7 years, olso long distance. And father 24-839 2/93 Quievrain 357km.

21-1464264 is grandson 10-1054969 1st pigeon champion long distance waadkant 5x prize and ensemble b 4x prize 2013 14th provincial 30/1676 Orleans North 652km 4/192 773km Chateauroux 2/131 727km Bourges.

10-1054969 bred and flown by J. Hiemstra from Stiens from stripe (1x1e) 06-1540985 from Sije Ronner. Stripe 06-985 is granddaughter of 98-1862056

2/1947 Arnhem 151km
6/1482 Strombeek  288km
10/1728 Minderhout 223km
10/1142 St. Ghislain 350km
57/3420 Lommel 237km
50x price

98-056 is grandson 92-2797237 de Leeuwarden from J.F. Ronner from Dokkum. 92-237 is grandson 77-5010332 brother baron of Jacques Tournier. The Baron 1973-5012340 which flew 11x1e in 2 years at Jacques Tournier from Lommel in Belgium.

92-2797237 de Leeuwarden breeder J.F. Ronner from Dokkum. 100% Jacques Tournier from Lommel, Belgium.

77-5010332 brother baron Jacques Tournier Lommel Belgium.

The Baron 1973-5012340
In the years 1975 and 1976 there were 38 prizes in the doubles, of which 11 firstprices and 24x top 10. Olso the pigeon flew regularly 3 to 4 minutes infront. Son baron 5090004/76 1st interprovincial Chateauroux 1980 against 2,488 pigeons.

Baron from the lines granaat, drinker, scheve and de goede klein. The 'Goede Kleine' (5080442/58) was of Maes origin with a part of Witkop from Liekens. For years he was unbeatable and olso won dozens (!) of 1st prizes. The father of the goede kleine was the 1955-5061484 and stock cock loft Jacques Tournier. He was a good breeder and flyer.

20-1039809 strong blue cock

 1st pigeon champion middle distance club, waadkant and samenspel B '22

9th provincial with 5 of the 6 middle distance races two nights in the basket. 6x prize.
1/370 Chalons 499km
2/1508 33/7469
3/215 Chimay 381km
4/86 25/1204 433km
5/62 14/327 499km
9/244 Chimay 381km
16/120 Marche 346km
22/139 Arlon 407km
26/148 Sittard 261km
27/266 Chimay 381km

20-809 father of 24-8030598

20-809 halfbrother of

Halfsister 2015-1181999 (same father) 27/142 Zutphen 135km 2015 mother of: 2018-1410578 we have flown with this pigeon for 6 years olso long distance.

Halfsister 16-1022878 blue stripe (same father)
8/212 young birds competition Tilburg 208km 2016 and mother '766 15/1023 Heusden zolder 257km

8/321 15/1023 257km
9/114 Sourdun 562km
12/93 Chimay 381km
17/139 Arlon 407km
17/86 Dizy 433km
19/301 Burdin 312km
20/120 Marche 346km
25/215 Chimay 381km
28/240 Chimay 381km
31/387 Boxmeer 187km
35/186 Chimay 381km
5/6x midfond club '22
4/5x vitesse waadkant '21

And mother '556 43/1195 Chimay 381km flown with for 5 years.

Brother streepje the 17-1597400 is father 21-1464257 and flew as a young bird 2021:

11/170 Kalkar 178km
3/167 Venlo 218km
24/133 Heusden-zolder 258km
14/75 Burdinne 312km
13/225 Duiven 153km

17-1597400 olso father 21-256 13/122 Chalons 499km and 6/6x middle distance in the samenspel B in 2023.

Half-brother of the 22-923 (same father) 9x price 2024.

Half-brother of the 23-9545083 (same mother) 3/99 287km 2023 against the wind.                                        

Half-brother of the 23-085 5/96 657km 1093 m./s. (same mother)

Halfbrother 2018-1410580 (same father) 9/186 Chimay 381km 5 years flown with.

Halfbrother 2019-4299517 (same father) 9/148 Sittard 261km

Halfbrother of 19-1199545 (same father) 4 times basketed long distance as a yearbird. 5/6x price middle distance 2022. 5 years flown with.
5/1456 Chimay 381km
4/114 Sourdun 562km

Pedigree of the mother 19-'545

Halfbrother 2021-1464260 (same father) 7/149 Helmstedt 368km 737 m/s attraction flight Germany.

Half-brother 21-1464263 (same father) 6/114 Sourdun 562km 5/6x prijs midfond 2022

Half-brother 2021-1464262: J27 13/185 Zutphen 135km        

Half-brother of 22-8033951 hen (same father) 9/157 Heusden 258km 8/122 Chalons 499km. 1/57 2/493 Lorris 651km 51 members 1170 m/s 3 nights basket. 5/116 Issoudun 761km middelsee CC. Basketed 5 times long distance 2024.

Pedigree of the mother 22-8033951

Half-brother of the 23-9545074  (same father)                    7/1626 Heusden 259km was much earlier                    

Half-brother of the 23-9545089  (same father)                    4/266 22/3307 Weert 233km and 5/5x prizes 2023


20-1039806 blue red eye

 1st pigeon champion middle distance club & waadkant '21. 5x prize. 20th provincial

1/139 Arlon 407km
4/1154 Dizy 433km
2/148 4/555 Sittard 261km
4/327 Chalons 499km
4/215 Chimay 381km
5/93 Chimay 381km
5/72 Rethel 436km
8/390 Rethel 436km
11/266 Chimay 381km
16/150 Sittard 258km
19/313 Boxmeer 187km
69/1544 Weert 233km

And father 23-099 6/329 23/2655 Duffel 265km. Olso father 4/109 Bierges 302km, 11/183 Duiven 153k, 18/135 Luykgestel 233km, 6/93 Quievrain 357km 8/109 Bierges 302km young pigeons racing 2024.

Halfbrother 18-578 (same father) we have flown with this pigeon for 6 years olso long distance.

Sister 20-806 is the 19-769 and she flew 1/135 8/752 Sittard 261km. and is mother of the 21-269 7/244 Chimay 381km and 7/1173 Dizy le Gros 433km 2023.

Brother 20-801 flew 9/169 761km and is grandfather 23-852 1/169 16/2387 Marche 334km 2023 young 3 night basket at A. Mast from Leeuwarden. 9/3488 173km district 1 2023 J29 Boxmeer, 13/3453 219km district 1 2023 J30 Weert

Brother 21-298 5/215 Chimay 381km and father 24-596 late young pigeon messed up 2/304 11/3188 Boxmeer natour 190km 2024 and the pigeon is in an open aviary. But the pigeon did fly the good performace.

Brother 23-093 blue and white yearling flew 3/82 Morlincourt 463km 2024 and the next week the system did not work well and the 23-093 therefore lost 2/114 in the club at Luyksgestel 232km, a shame but the pigeon was there!

His father 13-595 is grandfather of the 1st pigeon. long distance district 1 2023 and grandfather 23-095 3/1581 Duffel 265km 2024 5 minutes wasted. I think 3rd of department 11.

His mother 16-858 is sister of 1/500 Laon 438km at S.Talsma from Hogebeintum. Her aunt 09-790 flew 1/177 Wijchen natour 169km

16-858 her grandfather is the 98-052
1st ace pigeon sprint club '99 1st ace pigeon long distance club '00.
4/ 1262 Etampes
2/ 535 Ablis 600km
11/ 2724 Hannut 300km
3/ 364 Orleans 664km
98-052 his mother her half-brother 94-2157593 won 14 prizes in one year 19/1578 Zutphen and became ace pigeon

98-052 is a son of the 93-963
1/ 109 Creil 511km
1/ 297 Heverlee
2/ 219 Strombeek
3/ 107 Houdeng
3/ 134 Nijmegen
4/ 243 St. Ghislain
4/ 105 Zutphen
6/ 217 Lommel
6/268 Duffel
9/150 Beringe
9/ 137 Zutphen
1993 Ace Pigeon Youngsters
Once in the long distance he immediately came first.
93-2817963 is father of 97-2606596 20th of department 11 96-1369831 1/305 Lommel 97-2187455 ace pigeon long distance club in 1999 00-1144128 is father of the '780 that flew in 2009 2/1486 Boxtel 196km 1st in the club , 98-1862056 50x prize Arnhem 2/ 1947 Strombeek 6/ 1482 Minderhout 10/ 1728 St. Ghislain 10/ 1142 Lommel 57/ 3420 50x prize

98-056 grandfather streepje she flew 1st in the club and bred well at J.Hiemstra from Stiens.

93-963 is also father of the '545 Flew early in the department, the '799 Snowball flew 1st prizes
'799 father of the fierce (woeste) flew 1st long distance Homburg best yearling club, '791 flew 1st, '760 flew 2x1st and is grandfather 13-596 favorite who is grandmother of the 21-264 pigeon champion long distance 2023. '799 also father '104 who flew 1x1st.

The '104 and a cock from Van Kesteren once made Jesse National Champion among the youth.


16-858 her other grandfather is the Bourges van
J.W. Ronner from Doetinchem and flew teletext
Bourges 611km. The Bourges is grandfather 1/500 Laon 438km at S. Talsma from Hogebeintum. The brother of the Bourges is grandfather of the 18-1410596 dwarrel and he flew 23/1261 Sens 602km, 13/282 Lorris 651km and flew with for 5 years. 18-596 is father 24-8030590 hen which flew 5/7x prize young 2024.



The Bourges is a grandson of a sister of the 96-878.

The same type of pigeons as the 93-963 also bred well at Antonia Hiemstra and Piet Hiemstra from Stiens.